Princess Society

If your daughter dreams of being a princess, we can help make that happen. Each week, little ladies (ages 4+) will be treated like royalty with lessons on etiquette, self-care, crown decorating and castle design. Core values will emphasize character, confidence, beauty from the inside out, being polite and healthy habits. All princesses-in-training are encouraged to dress up in their finest dresses or costumes, and for the last class parents are invited to celebrate Royal Coronation Day.

Ages: 4-7 years

Maritere Garcia-Velez

Maritere is an educator with over 15 years experience teaching at Miami’s top private schools. With a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Florida and a Master’s Degree in Education from Loyola University, she has taught both preschool and elementary school students in South Florida.  Most recently, she spent five years at Fisher Island Day School in various roles including Admissions Director and Assistant Head of School.